A digital suite of programs that empowers learners, staff and organizations to develop their full potential
Customized skill training and behavioral supports for youth in a variety of learning and behavioral health settings
Today’s learners face a number of challenges and stressors. From mental health, to drug use, to bullying and managing social conflicts, Ripple Effects’ personalized digital programs provide students – and the adults who work with them – targeted skill training across MTSS.
Ripple Effects programs develop key skills like forming healthy relationships, handling emotions, and staying motivated, to prepare them to thrive both in the classroom and in life.
Our programs reinforce the MTSS framework, using data to design targeted scope and sequence lesson sets. Areas of focus include prevention and specific behavior concerns.
Ripple Effects is a complementary component to a student’s IEP (individualized education plan) and is also an effective alternative to ISS (in school suspension).
Behavioral Support and Restorative Settings
Our programs support youth across behavioral health and court-based settings by strengthening the skills and protective factors they need to succeed.
Mental Health
In US schools, one out of every five students struggles with a mental health condition, like anxiety or depression.
Ripple Effects programs have been shown to improve depression scores, resiliency assets and to help youth manage stressors.
While not intended as a primary prescribed mental health treatment, the programs provide contextualized, trauma-informed, skill-building and behavioral training.
Early Learners (PK-1)

Bouncy’s Ready to Learn Resilience program is a character-driven, play-based approach to building resilience and a readiness to learn. Program includes both physical and digital elements.
Elementary 2-5

Ripple Effects for Kids can be used across different settings and tiers for students in grades 2-5. This flexible, personalized program can be student-directed, educator-directed, or a hybrid of the two. Includes data management and planning tools to assist with data-driven behavioral interventions.
Secondary 6-12

Ripple Effects for Teens is a top-rated skill-training program, and National Dropout Prevention Center Model Program. This proven effective program demonstrates positive outcomes for youth, including higher grades, lower drop-out rates and higher resiliency scores. Includes data management and planning tools to assist with data-driven behavioral interventions.

Educator Ally professional development gives educators the tools they need to nurture student academic growth and solve behavior problems more effectively.

Tiered Interventions
What each student needs, when they need it
Used by thousands of organizations, Ripple Effects integrates seamlessly into MTSS to improve behavior outcomes, develop key life skills, and support students in overcoming trauma and adversity.